Tools for growth #2
Record your thoughts
Distill the pre-acquired knowledge that resides in your sub conscious mind.
Paying attention to the thoughts that pop in and out of your mind is one of the most crucial habit a wise man can develop, you can do voice recordings, you can take pictures, you can make videos, but none of these things are going to allow the reflective substance like writing. Developing skills in writing and being meticulous like bookkeeper or a notary, is a skill that can take an idiot and transform that same individual into a genius.
Leonardo DA Vinci and Benjamin Franklin were two of the greatest minds in our recorded history, both of these men recorded every detail, asked pointless questions to the untrained mind and spent time after time going back to recollect their thoughts. You see humans are great at analyzing but not the best at remembering, by keeping a journal or collection of your thoughts you will form and notice patterns that tend to repeat themselves.
You ever have a great idea that sparked a flame that burned with utmost passion that you said wow, I’ll do that as soon as I can, only to forget about the thought in almost the same flash that it arrived in. People that record those thoughts rarely have that problem and even more curious is the realization that those individuals tend to have does “rare” thoughts frequently and with even more intensity. When the fire burns and you remember to maintain it, you have the ability to light up an entire forest with its flames. Our bodies and brain function the best when you have great supply of oxygen, so do the flames of your thoughts. Do not write and record and you kill every flame, that could have been powerful like phoenix.
Adding this to a foundation of being a well-read being, is like a lightning rod drawing lightnings electricity on a stormy night.
Writing your thoughts down, is just one part of the formula, the true power comes from analyzing, making the electricity do useful things. It’s not just reading that creates depth, it’s thinking about the things you read. BUT, a super power is thinking about the thinking you had while thinking while reading PHEW! An even more useful form of meta-cognition.
To be built upon further after more articles in this series.