Why Understanding Death Is Critical

Why Understanding Death Is Critical

We Die Faster than we Expect

The days are long the decades are short. Thus, you should realize the importance of the playing the long game. However, most people, especially the young don’t realize this. Although fearing death is one of the most common consequence. It can still be one of the most powerful motivators. As always, it’s in the balance between mixing pleasure and pain. With this realization planning like general in war should be a requirement.

Recognize you’re going to die

Knowing you’re going to die wakes you up. Creates a sense of urgency, furthermore, creating value for time. When you value your time it completely changes the way you make decisions. Value people that are good for you. Remove the one’s that drain your energy. Love instead of hate because hate is poison. Knowing and accepting death creates power and leads to introspection.

Leads to Studying History

Subsequently by accepting death and valuing your time, you’ll understand the value of history. For the most part, man simply repeats history in form of our collective decisions. One man can change the world but everyone else tries to keep it the same. Most people’s beliefs come from a fear of death. Both sub-consciously and unconsciously. The sex drive is one of the most powerful motivators but that comes from the primal realization we’re not immortal.

Respect the Wisdom of the Alive and the Dead

It’s great to live life and learn through your own experiences. However, you’ll realize if your ambitions are great you can’t experience enough, and you will end up just creating a wheel. We have to stand on the shoulders of giants. In other words, use the wisdom of the past to build the future. Individuals partially get this hence the education system. Which is a failure in our current world, but I’ll leave that alone.

Rarely do individuals take this into their own hands. The thirst and desire for truth and knowledge slips away from the mediocre man. Studying the work and lives of great people is essential to furthering your own. At the same time do not get stuck in one way of thinking. Also value the knowledge of wise people around you because they also will die. Most of your hero’s may fade away, so value and learn while you can. Open your mind and different perspectives will find their way to you. Understanding death makes you value other people’s opinions even if they contradict your own.

Death is Part of the Equation

Until we find a way to make us immortal, we need to consider death to be part of the equation. Therefore we can’t find truth until we until you find a way to add it. Either through religion or science or maybe both. By doing this you will start to imagine things you don’t understand trying to find where it fits in between life and death.

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