Control What You Consume
Meditation is practice that makes it easy for individuals to optimize their brains. Specifically it helps you pause before acting. Which allows an individual to make better decisions. For instance about what they let enter their minds. You are what you consume. If you consume experiences and information that produces negative results, that’s instant mental endangerment.
Develop Your Sub-Conscious Mind
Ultimately by meditating you give yourself a well-developed sub-conscious mind. People want to believe, they can will their minds to do anything. Above all the sub-conscious mind has greater influence than your conscious mind. Therefore you should train your most powerful tool. When your mind is exhausted you tend to rely only on sub conscious habits. An in-optimized sub conscious, will lead into negative thought patterns which is the default of most people.
Learn To Breath Fully
Oxygen is energy that superpowers your brain. Brains require about three times the oxygen compared to our muscles. Meditation which on the surface is a focus on breathing properly you give your brain a superpower. Focus, which is one of most important law of self-improvement, is greatly increased. More oxygen through meditation. Also, the practice of focusing on the practice in general increases focus.
Focus and Perspective
Anything to increase focus and gives you more self-control should be added immediately. Control yourself. Therefore your thoughts is the ultimate reward. Another benefit is the power to control other people. The benefits of meditation are a long list but focus and control is major one’s to care about. Remember its not about getting rid of your thoughts but recognizing the thought patterns that exist. Controlling these thoughts and understanding where they come from is a tool for introspection. Introspection leads to more perspectives which is what I’m all about.