Think Globally

Think Globally

The World is Shifting

A interesting pattern is emerging, once the world is more connected we start to realize that average people no matter where they are, share a lot of commonalities. People just want to have some level of comfort, they do not want to be controlled. Especially as you become educated, the less you see the need for someone else to say what you’re allowed to do. We can work in teams globally.

I’ve also noticed that a lot of regulations are not even designed for the regular person. They are designed to satisfy the ideals of people who actually have power. They may think that they are doing the right thing but are the decisions future proofed?; or are the decisions made to influence a group to make decisions that feel like they’re matching. Matchers, Givers and Takers : theory discussed by Adam Grant in the book Give and Take.

You Serve People

There are many people in this world, many with similar interests; many with conflicting interests. So how do people co-exist despite all of this. It’s all a trade, people do things for other people if they have something they want. Even if they have conflicting self-schemas. This is how the world functions. All knowledge is essentially about this trade of information or services. This is is the economy. If there is demand, there will be supply to match. If the item is common it’s perceived value will be low. This is also why perception is everything, because a cardboard box with a signature on it, which costs about 20 cents to produce can sell for thousands of dollars. You remember you serve people so you have to give them what they want.

People are everywhere

With the realization, there comes power. Understanding people and how to serve their desires becomes an extremely valuable skill. Seeing how people interact, their hidden motives, their desires give you the ability to rule over them.

Many People have the same problems

Now lets talk about grouping, there are many people that share the same wants and desires. If you can serve enough of them, you become valuable to that group. If you can monetize your service or product you can make that group attached to a product that is separate from you.

More similarities than differences

Ironically people share more similarities than differences; but it’s human nature and programming to go searching for differences. If you are able to serve similarities you will be able make more value for a lot more people.

Internet has closed barriers

Once open a time people were only able to know other people in world based on what the media served them. This created a lot of divisions. But now we are able to communicate with people from all around the world and we can see that we are not all that different if you’re humble enough to admit it.

How can an action affect other country

The world is so globally connected that choices made in one countries can make great changes in another. It seems like common sense but it’s funny how many people do not even take that into consideration.


This article is part of my goal to write everyday for an hour and post it everyday. It may not be edited to my standards but the goal is create value and get content out everyday.

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