The Quick Start Guide to Ruling the World

The Quick Start Guide to Ruling the World

Manage Your Emotions

Plan Effectively

Influence Others

History Is your friend

Perspectives are Everything

Don’t Doubt yourself and Sell Yourself

Budget Your Time and Finances


Find Great Role Models

Demand Excellence



Master Strategy and Play the Long game

Be a Futurist

Value STEM

Value Philosophy and Psychology

Value Spirituality

Don’t be nice

Give and Take

Visualize the Future

Understand Micro Habits

Control what enters your mind

Learn from Everything


Do Not Fear Death

Appreciate Beauty

Understand Value and Process

Effective Learning

Leverage the skills of others

Leverage Technology

Play the Game

Quality Management

Think Globally and Universally

Know who you’re speaking too

Control and Direct your Anger into work

Be ruthless with people that waste your time

Do what you have to do

Predict the future and gauge the times

Understand AI

Aim for Immortality

The Show Goes ON ( Its all about the show)

Conquer the Universe

Understand the Purpose of Dystopian Novels and Movies

Walk Alone and Together

Don’t Compete with Average

Love your inner child

Do not chase money, chase potential


Build and Empire

Use whatever you can to achieve your Goals

Understand where power and truth are driven From

Don’t be scared of Failure or Success

Do not let weak minds limit your potential

Do not let people box you in

Seek information for action

Channel all of your focus towards your development

Do not let the axioms of the fearful or uneducated hold you back

Be Calculated

Do not forget your past lessons but live in the present

Do not let people disrespect you

Setbacks are a path to evolution

Know what you want

Combine the Souls of you role models

Stand on the shoulders of Giants

Fight for what you want

Be inspired by the Impossible

Embody the spirit of the Mythical

Do not be Scared of Crazy

Know how you perform

It is oaky to be scared

Be aware of propaganda

Get every drop you can out of your day

Mental toughness opens doors behind your perceived limits

Your are what you want to be, just get better

This article is part of my goal to write everyday for an hour and post it everyday. It may not be edited to my standards but the goal is create value and get content out everyday.

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