I let go of social media a few years ago because I deemed it useless to my personal growth at the time and I was completely right. I used it in a way that was bad for my health because in every post there was hope that someone would see my inner light and resonate me. I put my thoughts and emotion in every word and hoped someone would pick it up and say “Wow you think just like me, lets connect” but to my dismay that’s not how it played out. The people that I had as follows saw it, liked it and moved on and not even a comment for further discussion. I was lost and confused, really nobody understands? Then I realized I wasn’t going to connect with anyone via my 140 WORD LIMITS. To connect you must go deep within yourself and find the things that are truly worth talking about not the things that you thought the people on your feed were wanted to hear or a couple sentences that you thought could describe your entire inner workings that’s too complex. So, I thought the next logically idea would be to try to inspire people to grow and but then again, I was speaking to wrong group that would not be able to hear my deepest thoughts echo into there soul because they were blocked up by the thoughts of what everyone else thought to even consider the visions within them. So, I left that all behind with a lot of resentment built up but out of that rage I bought more notebooks and vowed that I would only write for myself and lock away my thoughts and feelings for a long time and live the life a social media world outcast, because I wasn’t willing to play the game of writing about the food I ate or yet again other shot of my face. I spent years only writing for myself and used it as a means of self-reflection and documentation, little did I know that this was one of the best habits I ever gave to myself, it was born out of feeling misunderstood by others but lead to being understood deeply by myself.
My self-awareness increased and ironically enough my understanding of other people increased also, the thoughts and feelings I had left me, and it wasn’t about making people understand me anymore it was about what I could for people to help them understand themselves and see the value within them. My consciousness evolved past what I thought was possible.
Then with my new-found self-understanding I started connecting with everyone in my day to day life seeing the beauty within people, learning from them being curious enough to dive deep within their minds and finding the thoughts I never thought existed within them. My knowing them I started knowing myself even more, it’s interesting cycle of one step back two steps forward.
Unfortunately I neglected the social media world which by now had become the way most people predetermined to you see if it was even worth talking to you before even engaging you in a conversation and giving any time, I tried having and intellectual conversation with people online privately but they quickly counted me out because my Instagram and my Twitter led them to believe that my was life and dormant and unfulfilling and of course I couldn’t blame them because who would want part of that, I would go deeper into that in other blog post. There’s so much to talk and think about and I want to put it out there.
I’m going deep so people can see my thoughts and see if even worth the conversation before even talking to me.
I’m also here to provide value and connect with my fellow humans in ways you’ll never expect.