Commit to Mastery
Your destiny your path is up to you and your deepest instincts, people tend to live out of balance by saying one of two things or similar sayings. Follow your passion or be practical and do what you can capitalize on. Both are right, both are wrong.
Survival is important so you should do what gets you paid and fulfills your hierarchy of needs but truthfully if money becomes the only thing that drives you will never soar because your deepest drives are not going to be engaged. What burns your deepest desires when you silence the thoughts and opinions of others is a path to genius.
When I think deeply and about what creates a passion is understanding and gathering enough perspectives that I can see the links of every chain in humans and the universe and I wish to use that knowledge to help people evolve, the ultimate goal is the evolution of man into an even greater being, may sound crazy but that’s the point. We as humans are scared to do what calls us because of the opinions of other people, truthfully when you realize that most people do not wish to see you rise because they are restrained themselves, you’ll quickly stop letting them hold you back and putting their chains on you. If you have to walk alone walk fucking alone, you will build your team on the way.
When you are committed to mastery you will do what you need to do because you know it’s the path that pushes you to another level and can allow you to raise your horizons. Climb the mountain.
Imagine yourself as a master of the field that pulls you, imagine the skills you’ve learned, the demeanor you possess and people that look up to you as a great. Now that you have that image, think of things you can do to build those skills and state of self. You need to have this image a Polaris Star, something that you can visualize where you want to be, understand this process is going to be part of your life till the day you die. Even when you reach your goals there’s always going to be another horizon as you climb a mountain that keeps growing, this is metaphor for your potential, it is almost infinite because there’s always something you can work on to become greater as long as keep a strong desire for becoming better. Another chain.