A single thought that crawled into my mind and stayed there, sitting in the living room of my prefrontal cortex. Why was it born? Why did I articulate it? Why do I feel it?.
The problem with an individual that doesn’t know themselves or even know what they want, they would never be able to allow themselves to feel things that no one granted them the right to feel. Ironically this kind of person may seem free, may portray an act but never believe the show they put on because they don’t even know if they’re allowed to pursue the thoughts that live within them. Don’t ask permission, don’t let anyone tell how to feel, give freely without expecting, bring happiness to people, create value. What I’ve come to realize in order to live a life that’s truly yours you can’t be scared to say that you love a person, to get rid of a people that make you feel like you’re not worth it. Don’t let people confuse you into thinking they know better than you if you know your thoughts are completely valid.
Don’t wait to act, don’t wait to grow, don’t wait to let go, don’t wait for permission.
“Eagles fly above, Eagles fly alone”
It’s hard to be a person that would try their best to make another individual feel like they mean something to you, without having that feeling in the back of your mind that they can’t return that same affection. How do you feel? that’s the question. Inside your head that thought sits within there eating away at your soul if you’ll ever be able to find at least one person like yourself, alone in your space, alone in your head, feels like you’ll be here forever can anyone hear you. Seeing the eagles in the sky of your mind that are soaring above you and wondering will you soar like them. Don’t ask permission don’t wonder, soar.
The thought of not knowing what you have till it’s all gone well, not being self aware enough to know when something is good for you causes that to happen but the minute introspection starts and an individuals realize what’s important to them those mistake never happen. They’ll do anything to hold on to what’s important in life but that’s hard to understand if one doesn’t face themselves. Facing the
unknown about yourself and the world illuminates the darkness of the past
Sometimes you never know where a muse can come from, going through your old email and seeing the email of a person that you would love to see again can set the fire that allows you to relive your memories and face yourself.