I advise to take notes of your thoughts and feelings because through this you can keep a record of your past. But this article is going to highlight reading through your journal and highlighting mistakes that you made to remember never to repeat actions or accept situations that are not in you best interest. There are thoughts and ideas that you help you remember good ideas and good times but this article is about using your failures to build a better future.
Machines break because components in the the system are either missing or malfunctioning. It breaks my heart when I read some the thoughts that were going through my head at certain parts of my life. Only by reflecting on these painful thoughts through fresh eyes you can start to align yourself in the right direction. There are thoughts and ideas that may be poisoned by the environment you were in, that you may not realize. These thoughts might hold you back from moving forward in the present.
Self awareness is a great skill to develop that will assist you in identifying trigger points, but recording these thoughts when you’re the most aware allows you be aware for a lot longer.
See What’s Good or Bad
For example if you had a job that was not the best fit, emotionally draining, preventing your career growth or just destroys your self esteem. If you record your thoughts it will be painful to see those thoughts in front of face. You will be less likely to stay at an organization that is not good for my mental health. By keeping a record you can patterns that immerge. These patterns will paint a picture of what needs to be better, what needs to change or what works well.
Identify Mistake or Pattern
Keeping and reviewing these records will also allow you to improve more rapidly. If there mistakes that you make and you review them you will clearly see if this is a one time mistake or a pattern. Patterns that form are usually due to a poor structure or a poor work procedure. Change the process entirely to make sure mistakes don’t happen. Successful Tech and Engineering companies do in order to keep on moving forward and get the maximum quality from their projects.
This Article will be developed further!
This article is part of my goal to write everyday for an hour and post it everyday. It may not be edited to my standards but the goal is create value and get content out everyday.